NCHF Board Members
Paul Keefer

Keefer started home-brewing when Jerry Ford was President & when it was still illegal to brew at home. The hobby stuck with him and the law changed in 1979. Keefer is a BJCP National judge and member of NCHO Board since 2007. He has attended every NCHF since the fest began in 1998 and hopes to attend many more. Keefer is responsible for filling cracks and mending fences
John Abbot

John got his first home brew kit in 1981 from Rocket Rod in Hawaii. He has attended every NCHF in Dobbins as well as a couple in Napa. He creates the NCFC pouring sculpture for the Chico Club. He is a BJCP National judge. John is responsible for Club Reps.
Michael Frenn

Michael has been attending NCHF since 2002 and has been a Board member (including Chairman) for nearly 20 years.. Presently he is responsible for the Club Keg Competition. Michael has been homebrewing since 2000 and owned and managed Old Hangtown Beer Works from 2010 to 2020. Michael is a BJCP Judge (Certified) and actively judges and enters competition. Most recently he took Best of Show at the California State Fair with a Biere de Garde. Michael might best be known as the owner of the Ale Camino.
Mark Smith

Mark has been an avid Homebrewer for in excess of 30 years. His love of Homebrewing has turned from beloved hobby into a bit of an obsession. This is demonstrated by the over abundance of home brewing equipment in his possession. Mark is a member of the Washie Zephyr Zymergists, the Reno Homebrewer‘s club and the oldest Homebrewer club in Nevada. He has been the Cubs president for more years than he can remember. He is currently retired and on his second post retirement job. Because he can’t afford to sit around without a job and brew beer all day. Because that’s what happens.
Dave Brattstrom

I have been involved with NCHF in someway or another from the beginning. I have been in charge of lining up the speakers, making announcements, and just filling in with what needs to be done. I have been to every Fest but one, sometimes family gets in the way of beer, and I still lined up the speakers for that year. I was one of several people that stepped up when the MALTS decided to stop running the California State Comp aka Stern Grove and brought it in to the NCHO fold. NCHO is a great organization and I am proud to be part of it. Homwbrewers are a wonderful group of people to hang out with.
Steve Studebaker

— Steve is the NCHF Webmaster. A homebrewer since 2015, Steve is a weekend musician and a member of the Bay Area Mashers homebrew club.
Bob Riksheim

Bob hasn’t missed an NCHF since 2008, and is rated Certifiable by the BJCP. His expertise lies in the counting of beans and chasing the odd ambulance, but his avowed mission is to keep the NCHF Board out of jail, and in the good graces of the ABC, among others.
Alan Vosper

Alan started homebrewing in the mid 2000s shortly after getting into beer and has been attending NCHF for nearly as long. He even convinced his wonderful wife to finish out their honeymoon in 2012 at the NCHF festival that year. Alan is responsible for organizing the online store.
Jack Weldon

Jack has been going to NCHF since 2008. Home Brewer for more than 35 years. BJCP Certified Beer and Mead Judge. Current President of the Draught Board Home Brewers Club – The oldest club in Northern California and the 2nd oldest club in the nation. Brew 30+ beers annually. Volunteer at lots of bay area beer festivals. Avid disc golfer. Jack is responsible for coordinating volunteers at the fest.